Pictured from left to right: Aaron Brahmstedt, Independent Dealer; Andy Paulson, Owner of Axis Seed Direct; Joey Stasell, Independent Dealer; Tom Hammer, Independent Dealer
Welcome to Axis Seed Direct, a locally owned, independent seed company providing corn and soybean genetics specific to the Northern Illinois region. Axis Seed Direct debuted in 2012 as a brand offered through a local retail outlet and was purchased by Andy Paulson in 2015. Under his ownership, Axis Seed Direct is able to bring the market the very best genetics and traits packages to benefit the specific needs of Northern Illinois farm ground. Axis Seed Direct has access to traits and genetics from major industry suppliers, such as Bayer, Dow Agro Science, BASF, and Syngenta, enabling its products to stand out from the competition.
Andy grew up on a family farm in northern Illinois, where his family still farms today. He has over 18 years’ experience in the seed industry and understands the importance of achieving the very best results on each acre of your farm. Andy strives to provide you not only the best product in the industry but also optimum value-added service. He works to design and implement highly individualized growing plans tailored to your individual soil and growing conditions.
Axis Seed Direct is one of 18 Independent Regional Companies under the Axis Seed brand. The business model utilized allows the brand to offer one of the broadest portfolios of the industry’s top-performing traits and genetics. Axis Seed is currently one of the fastest growing independent seed corn companies in the nation.